Generation Three - Shields

Daniel H. Clevenger (8)

DANIEL H CLEVENGER (NANCY SHIELDS, WILLIAM) was born 1824 in Virginia, and died August 17, 1893 in Wayne Co., IL. He married (1) WINNIE SOPHIA GILLESPIE 1849. She was born 1829 in Tennessee. He married (2) NARCISSUS J. GALASPEY Bet. 1870 - 1880 in Wayne Co., IL. She was born 1834, and died 1907.


  • 1860 Census - Wayne Co., IL

  • Daniel H. Clevenger, 31, farmer, b. VA; Winnie, wife, 28, b. KY; 1 servant

  • 1870 Census - Hickory Hill, Wayne Co,, IL

  • Daniel H. Clevenger, 44, farmer, b. VA; Minnie, wife, 40, keeping house, b. TN;

  • 1880 Census - Hickory Hill, Wayne Co., IL

  • Daniel Clevenger, 58, farmer, b. VA; Narcissus, wife, 48, housekeeper, b. TN;

Daniel H. Clevenger Estate and probate record:

In the name of God Amen: I. D.H. Clevenger, of the town of Hickory Hill in the county of Wayne and State of IL, of the age of sixty-eight years and being of sound mind and memory do make, publish and declare this my last Will and Testament, in the manner following, that is to say, lst I give and bequeath to my wife, Winnie S. Clevenger, all my personal property, to be accepted and received by her in lieu of dower; to be hers her lifetime and at her death to be divided as follows - to Rosa B. Clevenger, daughter of W. P. Clevenger, deceased, thirty dollars; to Manda M. Clevenger, daughter of W. P. Clevenger, deceased, thirty dollars; to Josiah Bailey, son of Mandy C. Atkins, formerly Mandy C. Clevenger, five dollars; to Cleveland Atkins, son of Mandy C. Atkins, formerly Mandy C. Clevenger, five dollars; to John Albert Bailey, son of Mandy C. Atkins, formerly Mandy C. Clevenger, five dollars; I give and direct to be paid all expense necessary in settling up my business and the remainder of my personal property to be divided equally between F. M. Clevenger, G. W. Clevenger, Elcania Clevenger, Martha M. Clevenger, Gilla A. Matthews, share and share alike.

I hereby appoint L. H. Weaver, sole executor of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made, in witness where of I have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of August, AD, 1893. Witness to mark - S. Brown - Daniel H., X, Clevenger (Seal); C. M. Bratcher, X.

The above instrument, consisting of 23 pages was at the date thereof signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Daniel H. Clevenger, as and for his last will and testament in presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto:

John J. Wilson, (signature), Wayne City, IL

Thomas Bailey, (signature), Wayne City, IL

Petition of L. H. Weaver in the matter of the last Will and Testament of Daniel H. Clevenger, deceased, for Probate of Will and Letters Testamentary.

To the Hon, John J. Cooper, Judge of the Co. Court of Wayne Co., in the State of Illinois.

The petition of the undersigned L. H. Weaver, respectfully represents that Daniel H. Clevenger, late of the Co. of Wayne, aforesaid, departed this life at Hickory Hill Twp., in said County, on or about 17th day of August, A. D., 1893, leaving a last Will and Testament, duly signed, published and attested, as believed by your petitioner and which by him is herewith presented to your honor for Probate. That said Will is subscribed by John J. Wilson and Thomas Bailey as witnesses to the execution thereof.

That said testator or his said last Will nominated and appointed L. H. Weaver, your petitioner Executor thereof, and that your petitioner is willing, and ready to accept and undertake the office and trust confided to him.

And this petition further shows that the said Daniel H. Clevenger died, seized and possessed of Real and Personal Estate, consisting chiefly of 80 acres of land, 8 head of horses, about 10 head cattle, some hogs, wagons, farm implements, growing crops, etc. all of said estate being estimated to be worth about seven hundred dollars.

In consideration whereof, and to the end that said Will may be proved, established and performed, your petitioner pray that the subscribing witnesses aforesaid may be summoned to be and appear before this court at the next September Term, thereof, then and there to testify in the matter of said Will, as it may please your honor to direct; and that Probate of said Will may be thereupon granted, and the same ordered for Record.

And your petitioner further prays that it may please your honor to grant him Letters Testamentary of said Will and Testament, upon his taking the oath prescribed by the Statute and entering into bond in such sum and with such securities as may be approved by your honor.

(Signature) L. H. Weaver, State of IL


i. FRANCIS MARION CLEVENGER, b. February 12, 1850, Wayne Co., IL; d. November 22, 1907; m. THEODOCIA DALTON, 1874; b. May 17, 1859; d. 1928.

26. ii. WILLIAM P. CLEVENGER, b. 1852, Wayne Co., IL; d. 1881.

iii. GEORGE W. CLEVENGER, b. 1855; m. MARY JANE SHAW; b. Abt. 1855.

27. iv. AMANDA CATHERINE CLEVENGER, b. 1857, Hickory Hill, Wayne Co., IL; d. 1888.

v. ELKANAH D. CLEVENGER, b. 1858; m. MARY J. YOUNG; b. 1872.

vi. DANIEL M. CLEVENGER, b. 1864; d. Abt. 1890; m. MARY J. HART, 1878; b. 1858.

vii. MARTHA M. CLEVENGER, b. 1866; m. CHARLES E. FEWKES; b. Abt. 1866.

viii. MARY A. CLEVENGER, b. 1868.

ix. GILLA A. CLEVENGER, b. 1871, Wayne Co., IL; m. JAMES PHILLIP MATTHEWS, November 22, 1889, Daniel H. Clevenger's residence, Wayne Co., IL; b. 1868; d. 1930.

William Elder (9)

WILLIAM ELDER (ELIZABETH SHIELDS, WILLIAM) was born February 12, 1821 in Harrison Co., WVA, and died September 10, 1893 in Harrison Co., WVA. He married REBECCA BAILY June 13, 1847. She was born Abt. 1821.


  • 1846 - lived on Big Run, Tyler, VA

  • 1850 - Goose Run, Ritchie Co, VA

  • 1870 Census - Ritchie Co, VA

  • Willliam 52, Rebecca 55, both b. VA


  • Burial: Riddles Chapel Cemetery, Harrisville, WVA


i. RICHARD WASHINGTON ELDER, b. April 02, 1858, Goose Run, Ritchie Co., WVA.

ii. MARY F. ELDER, b. April 14, 1848, Ritchie Co., WVA.

iii. JAMES ELDER, b. March 23, 1850, Ritchie Co., WVA.

iv. SUSAN ELDER, b. November 20, 1852, Tyler Co., WVA.

v. ELIZABETH ELDER, b. May 01, 1855, Rock Camp, Ritchie Co., WVA.

John Elder (10)

JOHN ELDER (ELIZABETH SHIELDS, WILLIAM) was born May 03, 1822 in Harrison Co., WVA. He married CATHERINE. She was born 1824 in Virginia.

Notes for JOHN ELDER:

  • 1860 Census - Tyler Co., VA

  • John Elder, 38, farmer; Catherine, wife, 36; all b. VA

Children of JOHN ELDER and CATHERINE are:

i. SARAH4 ELDER, b. 1848, Tyler Co., VA.

ii. MARY A. ELDER, b. 1850, Tyler Co., VA.

iii. DANIEL K. ELDER, b. 1852, Tyler Co., VA.

iv. MARGARET J. ELDER, b. 1854, Tyler Co., VA.

v. CELIA A. ELDER, b. 1859, Tyler Co., VA.

James Elder (11)

JAMES ELDER (ELIZABETH SHIELDS, WILLIAM) was born June 14, 1829 in Harrison Co., WVA. He married PHOEBE. She was born 1833 in Virginia.

Notes for JAMES ELDER:

  • 1860 Census - Tyler Co., VA

  • James Elder, 21, farmer; Phoebe, wife, 27; all b. VA

Children of JAMES ELDER and PHOEBE are:

i. ELIZABETH S.4 ELDER, b. 1852, Tyler Co., VA.

ii. BERTHENA ELDER, b. 1859, Tyler Co., VA.

Joseph Elder, Jr. (12)

JOSEPH ELDER, JR. (ELIZABETH SHIELDS, WILLIAM) was born April 20, 1833 in Harrison Co., WVA. He married SARAH. She was born 1832 in Virginia.

Notes for JOSEPH ELDER, JR.:

  • 1860 Census - Tyler Co., VA

  • Joseph Elder, 27, farmer; Sarah, wife, 28; all b. VA

Children of JOSEPH ELDER and SARAH are:

i. MARGARET4 ELDER, b. 1854, Tyler Co., VA.

ii. AMOS W. ELDER, b. 1857, Tyler Co., VA.

iii. FLAVIUS S. ELDER, b. 1859, Tyler Co., VA.

Ross Elder (13)

ROSS ELDER (ELIZABETH SHIELDS, WILLIAM) was born September 04, 1839 in Harrison Co., WVA. He married SAVINA. She was born 1839 in Virginia.

Notes for ROSS ELDER:

  • Also have a birth date for Ross Elder of October 12, 1837 in Harrison Co., WVA.

  • 1860 Census - Tyler Co., VA

  • Ross Elder, 21, farm hand; Savina, wife, 18; both b. VA

  • 1870 Census - McElroy, Tyler Co., VA

  • Ross Elder, 31, farmer; Savina, 28, wife; all b. VA

Children of ROSS ELDER and SAVINA are:

i. RAWLEY4 ELDER, b. 1863, Tyler Co., VA.

ii. JOHN ELDER, b. 1864, Tyler Co., VA.

iii. MARGARET ELDER, b. 1867, Tyler Co., VA.

Levi Shields (14)

LEVI SHIELDS (HARRISON BAKER, WILLIAM) was born 1829 in Kentucky, and died Aft. 1866. He married (1) SALLY Abt. 1846. She was born Abt. 1830. He married (2) ANNA HORNBACK Abt. 1849. She was born Abt. 1829.


  • 1850 Census - pg. 491b, Nicholas Co., KY

  • Levi Shields, 21, laborer; Sally, 20; John H., 1; all b. KY

  • 1860 Census - Nicholas Co., KY

  • Levi Shields, 28, farm laborer, living with the George M. Victor family. Levi had nof amily living with him in this George Victor home. What happened to Sally and John H.

Notes from Shirley Shields - except for the tax records showing Levi still in Nicholas Co., in 1866, I lose track of him.

Child of LEVI SHIELDS and SALLY is:

i. JOHN H.4 SHIELDS, b. 1848, Nicholas Co., KY.


28. ii. THORNTON BAKER4 SHIELDS, b. February 14, 1850, Nicholas Co., KY; d. December 07, 1921, Harrison Co., KY.

Elizabeth Shields (15)

ELIZABETH SHIELDS (HARRISON BAKER, WILLIAM) was born July 15, 1832 in Kentucky, and died December 30, 1920 in Mason Co., KY. She married (1) JENKINS Abt. 1862. He was born Abt. 1832. She married (2) ABNER COOPER Abt. 1866 in Adams Co., OH. He was born July 25, 1825 in Ohio, and died November 30, 1905 in Adams Co., OH.


  • 1910 Census - Mason Co., KY

  • Elizabeth Cooper, 78, widowed, b. KY; Holton Bishop, Lodger, 20, b. KY; Lida M., wife, 18, b. KY; Kelly, dau., 2, b. KY


  • 1850 Census - Monroe, Adams Co., OH

  • Abner Cooper, 26; Lucinda, wife, 25; Mary, dau., 5; Nancy, dau., 3; Caroline, dau., 1; Reuben, son, 1/12; all b. OH

  • 1860 Census - Monroe, Adams Co., OH

  • Abner Cooper, 41; Lucinda, wife, 41; Mary E., dau., 15; Nancy J., dau., 13; Caroline, dau., 11; Martha E., dau., 7; Sarah, dau., 5; Thomas, son, 2; Harriett, dau., 4/12; all b. OH

  • 1870 Census - Monroe, Adams Co., OH

  • Abner Cooper, 44, common laborer; Eliza (Shields), wife, 45, keeping house; Thomas, son (by former marirage to Lucinda), 12; Harriet A., dau., 10; Alcie, dau., 8; Laura Alice, dau., 3; Rebecca, dau., 1; Thomas Jenkins (Eliza's son by former marriage), 6; all b. OH

  • 1880 Census - Green, Adams Co., OH

  • Abner Cooper, 54, farmer; Eliza A., wife, 48, keeping house; Thomas Cooper, 22, laborer; Laura, dau., 13; Becca S., dau., 11; Anna., dau., 9; Lucius, son, 3; Noble E., son, 1; William T. Jenkins, SSon, 16, farm laborer; all b. OH. Thomas Cooper, 22, is Abner's son by Lucinda. See, 1850 and 1860 censuses above.


i. WILLIAM THOMAS4 JENKINS, b. 1864, Ohio.


ii. LAURA ALICE4 COOPER, b. 1867, Adams Co., OH.

iii. REBECCA COOPER, b. 1869, Adams Co., OH.

iv. ANNA COOPER, b. 1871, Adams Co., OH.

v. MATILDA ANNE COOPER, b. April 20, 1872, West Union, Adams Co., OH; m. JAMES CHARLES ROUSH; b. October 27, 1869, Kenton Co., KY; d. March 17, 1947, Portsmouth, OH.

vi. LUCIUS COOPER, b. Abt. 1877, Adams Co., OH.

vii. NOBLE EDWARD COOPER, b. March 17, 1879, Tiffin Twp., Adams Co., OH; d. September 03, 1956, Scioto Co., OH.

viii. CHARLES FOSTER COOPER, b. January 1882, Adams Co., OH.

Leonard Shields (16)

LEONARD SHIELDS (HARRISON BAKER, WILLIAM) was born 1838 in Bourbon or Nicholas Co., KY, and died Aft. 1920 in Mason Co. Infirmary, Mason Co., KY. He married (1) CHRISTINA Abt. 1853. She was born Abt. 1841. He married (2) CATHERINE CHIPLEY November 07, 1856 in Nicholas Co., KY. She was born Abt. 1840 in Kentucky, and died Abt. 1910.


  • 1860 Census - Bracken Co., KY

  • Leonard Shields, 22, farm laborer; Christiana, 19; Matilda Shields, 46 (mother); Malinda E., 22 (do not know who this is); Nancy A., 6; Leonard Harrison, 3; all b. KY

  • 1870 Census - Moorefield, Nicholas Co., KY

  • Leonard Shields, 35; Catherine, 28; Betty, 11; James 8; Nancy 2; Harrison l/3; all b. KY.

  • 1880 Census - Carlisle, Nicholas Co., KY

  • Leonard Shields, 48, laborer; Katie, wife, 44, housekeeper; Elizabeth, dau., 19; Nancy, dau., 12; Matilda, dau., 8; Elvira, dau., 6; George, son, 1; Mary E., GDau., 3 months; all b. KY

  • 1900 Census - Bracken Co., KY

  • James, son, 17, laborer, was found living with the O. W. Brady family in Carlisle.

  • Lenard Shields, 64, farm laborer; Katie, wife, 62; Bella, dau., 23, widowed; Samuel, son, 15; Stella, GDau., 5; all b. KY. (believe Stella is Bella's dau.)

  • 1910 Census - Mt. Olivet, Robertson Co., KY

  • Leonard Shields, 76; Katie, wife, 74; Samuel, son, 26; all b. KY

  • 1920 Census - Mason Co., Infirmary, Mason Co., KY

  • Leonard Shields, listed with Rossen, Howard H., Line 86; Leonard on line 95, age 82.


i. NANCY A.4 SHIELDS, b. 1854, Nicholas Co., KY.

29. ii. LEONARD HARRISON SHIELDS, b. 1857, Nicholas Co., KY.


iii. ELIZABETH4 SHIELDS, b. 1861, Bracken Co., KY.

30. iv. JAMES HARRISON SHIELDS, b. October 1863, Bracken Co., KY; d. Bet. 1920 - 1930, Missouri.

v. NANCY SHIELDS, b. 1868, Bracken Co., KY.

vi. HARRISON SHIELDS, b. 1869.

vii. MATILDA SHIELDS, b. 1872, Nicholas Co., KY.

viii. ELVIRA SHIELDS, b. 1873, Nicholas Co., KY.

31. ix. DANIEL SHIELDS, b. March 20, 1874, Shannon, Mason Co., KY; d. May 12, 1939, Maysville, Mason Co., KY.

32. x. GEORGE WASHINGTON SHIELDS, b. 1879, Nicholas Co., KY; d. August 31, 1937, Ruddles Mills #3, Bourbon Co., KY.

xi. MARY E. SHIELDS, b. Abt. 1880, Kentucky.

Notes for MARY E. SHIELDS:

Mary E. Shields is a granddaughter of Leonard and Catherine but not knowing who her father was, have included her as a daughter until I find more definite proof of her birth parents.

John Henry Shields (17)

JOHN HENRY SHIELDS (HARRISON BAKER, WILLIAM) was born May 01, 1840 in Bourbon Co., KY, and died August 20, 1914 in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY (Source: Death Index. Vol. 043, Cert. No. 21429, Vol 14 Jefferson Co.). He married (1) NANCY BUCKLER August 16, 1859 in Nicholas Co., KY, daughter of WILLIS BUCKLER and ISABELLA PEYTON. She was born 1841 in Nicholas Co., KY, and died Abt. 1865 in Nicholas Co., KY. He married (2) MARY ELIZABETH THOMAS 1875 in Kentucky, daughter of WILLIAM THOMAS and EMMA/EMILY. She was born February 16, 1848 in Harrison County, KY, and died December 19, 1932 in Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY.


  • 1860 Census - Flat Rock, Bourbon Co., KY

  • J. H. Shields, 22, farm hand; Nancy, wife, 19; both b. KY

  • 1880 Census - Connersville, Harrison Co., KY

  • John H. Shields, 39, stone mason; Mary E., wife, 32, keeping house; Levi, son 18, stone mason; William, son 12; Minnie, daughter, 7; T., son, 5; Odella, daughter, 1; all b. KY

  • 1900 Census - Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY

  • John H. Shields, May 1840, 60, laborer; Mary E., February 1847, 53, wash & ironing; Emma E., July 1881, 18, servant girl; Annie B., Oct. 1885, 14, servant girl; Louella, June 1887, 12, spinner/woolen mill; Myrtle F., June 1891, 8; all b. KY

  • 1910 Census - Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY

  • John Shields, 68, laborer; Mary E. (Thomas), wife, 62; both b. KY

1903 Louisville, KY City Directory:

  • John H. Shields, 142 Adams, laborer (also living with John H. was daughter Luella Shields, cigarmaker/American Cigar Co., 142 Adams St.

  • 1904 City Directory:

  • John H. Shields, 142 Adams St, with Luella, (daughter), 142 Adams St.

  • 1905 City Directory:

  • Annie B. Shields, domestic - 1302 Story Ave.; Luella Shields, sews, 1428 Van Buren; John H. Shields, 1428 Van Buren.

  • 1906 City Directory:

  • John H. Shields - 1428 Van Buren; Luella Shields, Mayfield Woolens, 1428 Van Buren; Myrtle Shields, Mayfield Woolens, 1428 Van Buren.

Death Cert. # 21429 - KY

John Schields (Shields), was born May 1, 1840 in KY, son of Baker Schields and Matilda Richardson, both of KY. He resided at 1657 Irvine St., Louisville, KY. John Henry was married and was a stone mason. He died August 20, 1914, at the age of 74 yrs., 3 mos, 19 days. Cause of death - cardiac dilitation of heart, contributory to asthma. He was buried in Cave Hill Cemetery, on August 22, 1914. Informant was Mrs. Edward Ridge of 1411 Story Ave.


  • Burial: August 22, 1914, Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY

  • Occupation: Stone Mason


  • Occupation: Housekeeper


Mary Elizabeth Thomas's grand-daughter, Della Leona Hepp, told about Mary Elizabeth being married to a Shields boy, who was brother to John Henry Shields. John Henry was married to a Nancy Buckler/Buckner at the time. Mary Elizabeth had children by the first Shields boy, and John Henry had a son, Levi Shields, by Nancy. Then Mary Elizabeth's husband died and John Henry's wife died, and after that, Mary Elizabeth and John Henry married and had several children together.

It is believed Mary Elizabeth's first husband might have been Thomas Shields. Have never found a Thomas Shields on any census records, but there was a Harrison Shields, who was on the 1850 KY census and not on the 1860 census. Could it be Mary Elizabeth's husband was Harrison Shields and not Thomas?

Also, there is a doubt that Mary Elizabeth's maiden name was Thomas. On a death cert. of William Henry Shields, it says mother was Mary Allen. There is also a possibility that her maiden name is Johnson or Thompson. And this could be an entirely different William H. Shields, can find no definite proof.

1870 Census - Harrison Co., KY

William Henry Shields is living with John Henry and Mary Elizabeth in Harrison County, KY, but whose son is he? (Believed to be Mary Elizabeth's by a previous marriage)

Death Cert. #4617 - KY

Mary Elizabeth Thomas Shields was born February 16, 1848 in Harrison Co., KY, daughter of William Thomas and Emma Thomas, place of birth unknown, (both b. KY). She was widow of John Shields. Mary Elizabeth lived at 281 Pope St., Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY. She died December 19, 1932 at the age of 84 yrs, 10 mos and 3 days. Cause of death - arteriosclerosis and senility - no physician. She was buried December 21, 1932 in Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY. Informant was Mrs. Phil Gatterdam, at 281 Pope St., Louisville, KY.

Record of Funeral from Schildt's Funeral Home reveals the above with additionally - Survivors - children, daughters - Luella Gatterdam, Myrtle Ridge, Mrs. Joseph (Anna) Kyser, Mrs. Albert (Odella) Alcorn, Mrs. Samuel (Minnie) Romans.


  • Burial: December 21, 1932, Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY


33. i. LEVI H.4 SHIELDS, b. February 15, 1862, Nicholas Co., KY; d. August 17, 1930, James Chappel, Carter Co., KY.

Children of JOHN SHIELDS and MARY THOMAS are:

34. ii. WILLIAM4 SHIELDS, b. 1868, Kentucky.

35. iii. MINNIE SHIELDS, b. March 1874, Kentucky; d. October 30, 1964, Pulaski Co., KY.

36. iv. TEE H. SHIELDS, b. November 1875, Harrison Co., KY; d. Aft. 1920, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY.

37. v. O'DELLA KATHERYN SHIELDS, b. January 30, 1878, Harrison Co., KY; d. December 27, 1962, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY.

38. vi. EMMA E. SHIELDS, b. July 1881, Harrison Co., KY; d. December 13, 1927, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY.

vii. ANNA BELLE SHIELDS, b. October 30, 1885, Bourbon Co., KY; d. October 18, 1943, Lyndon, Jefferson Co., KY; m. JOSEPH R. KYSER, May 14, 1914, Jefferson Co., KY; b. January 05, 1894, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY; d. December 26, 1977, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY.


  • Anna Bell Shields married Joseph Robert Kyser May 14, 1914 in KY. This marriage is found on Film # 2078089 at LDS Church.

Death Cert. # 24863 - KY

Anna Bell Shields Kyser was born October 30, 1885 in Boone Co., KY. She married Joseph Kyser and was a housewife. She is daughter of John Shields and Mary E. Thomas, both of Boone Co., KY. Anna Belle died October 18, 1943 in Lyndon, Jefferson Co., KY, at the age of 57 yrs., 11 mos and 19 days. Cause of death - cancer of stomach, cardiac portion prime lesion. Anna Bell was buried October 20, 1943 in Resthaven Cemetery. Joe Kyser of Lyndon, KY was the informant.


  • Burial: October 20, 1943, Resthaven Cemetery, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY

Notes for JOSEPH R. KYSER:

  • 1930 Census - Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY

  • Joseph Kyser, 36, truck driver/dairy; Anna (Shields), wife, 42; both b. KY

39. viii. LUELLA SHIELDS, b. June 30, 1888, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY; d. July 28, 1979, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY.

40. ix. MYRTLE SHIELDS, b. June 1891, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY; d. December 25, 1963, Louisville, Jefferson Co., KY.

Henry Harrison Shields (18)

HENRY HARRISON SHIELDS (HARRISON BAKER, WILLIAM) was born December 12, 1849 in West Union, Adams Co., OH, and died October 02, 1927 in Scioto Co., OH. He married (1) ELIZABETH. She was born Abt. 1849 in Kentucky. He married (2) ROSA ANN PATTON 1902 in Nile Twp., Scioto, OH. She was born 1882 in Kentucky, and died Aft. 1930 in Ohio.


  • 1880 Census - Tiffin, Adams Co., OH

  • Henry Shields, 30, b. OH, farmer, father born in MD; mother born England, is living with a Potts family in Tiffin, Adams Co., OH. Don't know if he is a boarder or is related to this family.

  • 1900 Census - Nile, Scioto Co., OH

  • Henry H. Shields, 50, b. Dec. 1849, OH, farmer; Elizabeth, wife, 41, b. April 1849, KY; Annie, dau., 21, house servant, b. August 1878, KY

  • 1910 Census - Scioto Co., OH

  • Henry Shields, 62, b. KY; Rosa, wife, 28, b. KY; Alise M., dau., 5; Robert F., son, 3; Lillian G., dau., 1; all children b. OH

  • 1920 Census - Nile, Scioto Co., OH

  • Henry Shields, 71, farmer, b. OH; Rosa, wife, 58, b. KY; Alicia, dau., 15; Robert, son, 12; Lilly, dau., 10; all children b. OH


  • 1930 Census - Nile, Scioto Co., OH

  • Rosie Shields, b. 1883, 47, widowed, b. KY; Robert, son, 23, b. OH


i. ANNIE4 SHIELDS, b. August 1878, Kentucky.

Children of HENRY SHIELDS and ROSA PATTON are:

ii. ALISE M.4 SHIELDS, b. 1905, Nile Twp., Scioto Co., OH.

iii. ROBERT F. SHIELDS, b. Abt. 1907, Nile Twp., Scioto Co., OH.

iv. LILLIAN G. SHIELDS, b. Abt. 1909, Nile Twp., Scioto Co., OH.

Emma Jane Shields (19)

EMMA JANE SHIELDS (HARRISON BAKER, WILLIAM) was born August 25, 1852 in Adams Co., OH, and died February 01, 1925 in Scioto Co., OH. She married JOSHUA HODGE Abt. 1879. He was born August 10, 1852 in Adams Co., OH, and died March 18, 1918 in Scioto Co., OH.


  • Notes from Jim Hodge --- Emma Jane, my g-grandmother, had two sons and a daughter under her maiden name. They were Alvin Shields, Thomas and Anna Shields. Anna never married or had any kids that I know of. Alvin had some and their offsprings mostly live here in Portsmouth, OH. Thomas' offsprings went back into KY and some of them may have gone to a couple other states.


  • 1880 Census - Chester, Mason Co., KY

  • Joshua Hodge, 28, laborer; Emma, wife, 27, b. OH. Why did Emma and Joshua come back to KY? Did her parents, Harrison and Mary Jane come back to KY also and did they die in KY or OH?

Children of EMMA SHIELDS and JOSHUA HODGE are:

i. WILLIS HOUSTON4 HODGE, b. November 03, 1880, Maysville, Mason Co., KY; d. May 24, 1963, Mud Lick.

ii. JOSHUA ALBERT HODGE, b. July 30, 1889, Tiffin Twp., West Union, Adams Co., OH; d. October 20, 1945, Hines Hospital, Chicago, Cook Co., IL.

iii. CHARLES BURLIN HODGE, b. May 25, 1894, Ohio; d. September 06, 1991, Ohio.

Sarah Ann Shields (20)

SARAH ANN SHIELDS (HARRISON BAKER2, WILLIAM1) was born 1853 in Adams Co., OH, and died November 09, 1924 in Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH. She married (1) ALBERT ROUSH Abt. 1874. He was born Abt. 1853, and died 1889. She married (2) CHARLES SMITH Abt. 1890. He was born Abt. 1853, and died Bef. 1910.


  • 1910 Census - South Lebanon, Warren Co., OH

  • Sarah, 56, living with son, Frank Roush, 26, both b. OH. Husband Charles was not listed on this census and perhaps had died before 1910.


  • Burial: Vine Street Hill Cemetery, Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH


i. MINERVA ANN4 ROUSH, b. 1874, Adams Co., OH.

ii. MARY FRANCIS ROUSH, b. 1875, Adams Co., OH.

iii. JOHN HENRY ROUSH, b. December 19, 1876, Adams Co., OH.

iv. THOMAS HARRISON ROUSH, b. September 09, 1877, Adams Co., OH; d. Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH.

v. FRANK ROUSH, b. April 11, 1884, South Lebanon, Warren Co., OH.

Notes for FRANK ROUSH:

  • 1910 Census - South Lebanon, Warren Co., OH

  • Sarah Smith, 56, b. OH; living with son, Frank Roush, 26, b. OH.

William P. Shields (21)

WILLIAM P. SHIELDS (HARRISON BAKER, WILLIAM) was born 1856 in Adams Co., OH, and died Aft. 1910 in Ohio. He married SARAH ALICE ROUSH Abt. 1879. She was born July 16, 1859 in Ohio, and died May 02, 1924 in Scioto Co., OH.


  • 1880 Census - Tiffin, Adams Co., OH

  • William Shields, 23, farmer; Sarah Alice, wife, 21, keeping house; Albert H., son, 2 mos; all b. OH.

  • 1910 Census - Adams Co., OH

  • William Shields, 53; Sarah A., wife, 49; Willie A., son, 29; George, son, 21; Robert, son, 19; John, son, 18; Jesse, son, 16; Mary, dau., 10; all b. OH


  • Burial: Scioto Co., OH


  • Burial: Scioto Co., OH


i. ALBERT H.4 SHIELDS, b. 1880, Adams Co., OH.

ii. WILLIE A. SHIELDS, b. 1881, Adams Co., OH.

iii. GEORGE SHIELDS, b. 1889, Adams Co., OH; d. Scioto Co., OH.

iv. ROBERT SHIELDS, b. 1891, Adams Co., OH.

v. JOHN SHIELDS, b. 1892, Adams Co., OH.

vi. JESSE SHIELDS, b. 1894, Adams Co., OH.

vii. MARY SHIELDS, b. 1900, Adams Co., OH.

Matilda Ann Shields (22)

MATILDA ANN SHIELDS (HARRISON BAKER, WILLIAM) was born 1859 in West Union, Adams Co., OH. She married (1) THOMAS COOPER July 08, 1880, son of ABNER COOPER and LUCINDA. He was born 1859 in Adams Co., OH, and died February 06, 1922 in Adams Co., OH. She married (2) JAMES CHARLES ROUSH January 1892 in Adams Co., OH. He was born Abt. 1861.


  • Thomas Cooper is son of Abner Cooper and Lucinda. After Lucinda died, Abner married Elizabeth Shields.

  • 1900 Census - Tiffin, Adams Co., OH

  • Thomas Cooper, b. Aug. 1857, 42, farmer; Matilda, wife, Sept. 1860, 39; Revis, son, July 1881, 18, day work; Willilam T., son, Jan. 1883, 16; day laborer; Rubie M., dau., July 1886, 13; Lila, dau., Jan. 1889, 10; Dovie, dau., Masr. 1894, 6; Noviea, son, May 1896, 4; Dewey, son, Dec, 1897, 2; all b. OH

  • 1920 Census - Tiffin, Adams Co., OH

  • Thoams Cooper, 65, laborer; Matilda, wife, 58; Chester, GSon, 6; all b. OH


i. REVIS4 COOPER, b. July 1881, Tiffin, Adams Co., OH.

ii. WILLIAM T. COOPER, b. January 1883, Tiffin, Adams Co., OH.

iii. RUBIE M. COOPER, b. July 1886, Tiffin, Adams Co., OH.

iv. LILA COOPER, b. January 1889, Tiffin, Adams Co., OH.

v. DOVIE COOPER, b. March 1894, Tiffin, Adams Co., OH.

vi. NOVIRA COOPER, b. May 1896, Tiffin, Adams Co., OH.

vii. DEWEY COOPER, b. December 1897, Tiffin, Adams Co., OH.

Mary Atta Snoddy (23)

MARY ATTA SNODDY (JANE SHIELDS, WILLIAM) was born 1828 in Monroe Co., IN, and died Aft. April 29, 1865. She married BARTON W. MATHERS Abt. 1849. He was born January 03, 1825 in Nicholas Co., KY.


i. MONROE N.4 MATHERS, b. January 26, 1850, Monroe Co., IN.

ii. SAMUEL M. MATHERS, b. February 01, 1852, Monroe Co., IN.

iii. JOHN MOSES MATHERS, b. August 28, 1853, Monroe Co., IN.

iv. NANCY JANE "JENNIE" MATHERS, b. July 1855, Monroe Co., IN.

v. JAMES MITCHELL MATHERS, b. April 29, 1865, Monroe Co., IN.

William H. Snoddy (24)

WILLIAM H. SNODDY (JANE SHIELDS, WILLIAM) was born 1832 in Monroe Co., IN, and died September 11, 1908 in Owen Co., IN. He married (1) LOUISA M. DALE Abt. 1857. She was born 1839 in South Carolina. He married (2) SUSAN WOODARD ADAMS Aft. 1862 in Monroe Co., IN. She was born 1838.


i. LAURA J.4 SNODDY, b. 1858, Monroe Co., IN.

ii. SAMUEL WILLIAM SNODDY, b. April 24, 1859, Monroe Co., IN.

iii. MARGARET SNODDY, b. 1860, Monroe Co., IN.

iv. JAMES ALEXANDER SNODDY, b. 1862, Monroe Co., IN.


v. TOBIAS PETER4 SNODDY, b. June 29, 1867, Monroe Co., IN.

vi. THOMAS EDWARD SNODDY, b. 1869, Monroe Co., IN.

vii. LOUISA LISSA SNODDY, b. 1871, Monroe Co., IN.

viii. ROBERT F. SNODDY, b. 1873, Monroe Co., IN.

ix. BENJAMIN SNODDY, b. 1877, Monroe Co., IN.

Nancy A. Snoddy (25)

NANCY A. SNODDY (JANE SHIELDS, WILLIAM) was born Abt. 1836 in Monroe Co., IN. She married LORENZO A. DAVIS December 06, 1854 in Monroe Co., IN. He was born Abt. 1836 in Virginia.


  • 1880 Census - Hampden, Coffey, KS

  • Lorenzo D. Davis., 52, farmer, b. VA; Nancie E., wife, 46, b. IN, keeps house; Samuel J., son, 31, farmer, b. IA; John Davis, son, 23, farmer, b. IA; Nancie C., DauL., 19, b. IL; Francis, GDau., 1 mo, b. KS


41. i. JOHN4 DAVIS, b. 1857, Iowa.

ii. SAMUEL J. DAVIS, b. 1859, Iowa.